
Apply Now


For quick look-up, if you have a PROPERTY ID and PIN CODE (enter here).

Property Address

We are doing our best to make sure you are selecting the correct address of your property by providing address sugestions as you are typing in. Please select the correct address as it shows up. None of the suggestions is your address? Simply type it manually in full. Feel free to contact customer service at 516.746.4646 for additional support.


Not Your Address? Start Again

Contact Details








What is YOUR relationship to this property?
                     Owner                     Person in contract to purchase                     Tenant                     Trustee/Executor/Guardian                     LLC Member                     Corporation Officer                 

Mailing Address

 Same as property address





                     Do you reside at this address?                     Yes                     No                 

                     How did you hear about us?                     I'm a client of Empire's                     Received an email from Empire                     Received snail mail from Empire                     Heard about from family/friend                     Search engine                     TV Commercial                     Newspaper Ad                     Radio                     Other                 

                     Did you apply for a reduction last year?                     Yes                     No                 



Terms and Signature
Signature (use your mouse to sign your name in the box below)


Please sign.

By submitting an electronic signature, you are providing an electronic mark, that is held to the same standard as a legally binding equivalent of a handwritten signature provided by you. For purposes of the acknowledgement, a digital mark is considered typed INITIALS of your First, Middle (if applicable) and Last name (legal name may include middle name, initial or suffix) followed by the typed date.

I agree to the Terms and Conditions and I agree that my electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature.




Our fees are 20% lower than the major competition.